The second annual meeting took place on February 11-12, 2021 as an online event. Here we document the program at that time.
Thursday, 11 February 2021 / Donnerstag, 11. Februar 2021
Begrüßung und Einführung/ Welcome and introduction
Keynote Speech: Covid-19 policy measures for circular migrant care workers in Germany,
Austria and Switzerland (PD Dr. Karin Schwiter, University of Zurich)
Kaffeepause/ Coffee break
Action Café: Forschungsperspektiven auf Covid-19 und Arbeit/er*innen aus Sicht der Labour
Geography / Action Café: Approaching Covid-19 and labour from a labour geography perspective
Kaffeepause/ Coffee break
Präsentationen von Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen: Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte in der
Labour Geography / Young academics’ presentations: Current research projects in Labour Geography
Room I: Labour & GPN
- Social upgrading of migrant workers in GPN: Survey in semiconductor industry in Taiwan (Ting-Chien Chen, University of Greifswald)
- Steering through troubled waters: Response strategies of cruise ship labor amid the Covid-19 pandemic (Dr. Thomas Neise, University of Osnabrück; Tatiana López, University of Cologne; Fikri Angga Reksa, Indonesian Institute of Sciences)
Room II: Labour & Digitalization
- Making long distance work – reflections on studying everyday practices in on/offline workplaces (Anna Oechslen and Alica Repenning, Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space)
- Employment effects in stationary retail due to online trade (Cathrin Wiedemann, University of Cologne)
Room III: Labour & Alternative Economic Practices
- Transformative labour geographies – the role of work in processes of socioecological transformations
(Sinje Grenzdörffer, University of Kiel)
Wrap Up
Gemeinsamer virtueller Brownbag Lunch
Friday, 12 February 2021 / Freitag, 12. Februar 2021
Begrüßung und Einführung / Welcome and Introduction
Keynote Speech: Essential yet expendable – the heightened risks of gig work in the pandemic (Dr. Kelle Howson, Oxford Internet Institute)
Kaffeepause/ Coffee break
Austausch in Gruppen: Wie wirkt sich die Corona-Pandemie auf unsere Arbeit als Wissenschaftler*innen und Labour Geograph*innen aus? Exchange groups in Wonder: How does the corona pandemic impact our work as academics and labour geographers?
Kaffeepause/ Coffee break
Organisatorisches und Wrap Up/ Organizational matters and wrap up
Ende/ End