CfP: Doing Labour Geography, Workshop Feb 8/9 2024

Networking meeting of the working group Labour Geography

8 / 9 February 2024, Leibniz Institute for Spatial Social Research (IRS), in Erkner near Berlin


The working group Labour Geography invites all members and other interested researchers to the networking meeting in Erkner near Berlin. The meeting starts on 8th of February at 13:30 h and ends on 9th of February at 17:00 h.

It aims at fostering exchange and networking among researchers from German-speaking countries who deal with questions around work, the agency of workers as well as social conditions and forms of collective organising from a geographical perspective.

At the meeting, we will discuss current topics of labour geography and reflect method(olog)ical questions. Furthermore, we will look back on labour struggles of the past year and discuss perspectives for organising in academia. A preliminary programme is attached.

We cordially invite all interested to actively participate in shaping the programme. Possible formats are:

  1. Presentation of a research project (approx. 15 min. presentation / 15 min. discussion),
  2. Proposal of a classic or current text from the field of Labour Geography for joint discussion,
  3. Discussion of an own paper or draft chapter in a peer feedback session.

Contributions on research projects at any stage of work and from scholars at all career stages are welcome. Abstracts for text discussions should include brief information on the text, the motives for the selection and the planned discussion questions.

Please submit your abstract (max. 500 words) by 11th of December 2023 via the online registration form (see below). 

The main working language of the meeting will be English. However, individual contributions or sessions may be submitted in German.  

IRS offers a parent-child room, which can be used with a caregiver of the child. Unfortunately, we cannot provide childcare.

To attend the meeting, please register by 15 January 2024 using the form below.

For questions about the conference or the rooms, please contact Yannick Ecker (yannick.ecker (at) and Lea Molina Caminero (lea.molina.caminero (at)

We look forward to a lively participation!

Yannick Ecker, Lea Molina Caminero, Anna Oechslen, Alica Repenning and Karin Schwiter

Proposal & Registration

Registration form for the AK Labour Geography Workshop 2024 “Doing Labour Geography”. Deadline for registrations WITH contribution is December 11, 2023. Registrations WITHOUT contribution are open until January 15, 2024.

Update: The registration period has expired.